Monday, September 10, 2007

First Complete List

TLP, self admitted "Total Leading Person" has posted the first complete list. She has provided hysterical choices and commentary. Go check her out.

But don't let her posting stop you from playing. There will be many awards and prizes. Keep checking back for clues and hints as to what they will be.


G said...

That TLP!

I'm just trying to wrap my head around the concept.

Katie McKenna said...

I can't play right now. My time in light is very limited due to eye problems. Maybe later. Thanks for the invite though. Sounds like fun. :)

The Ferryman said...

I am lost...

Nessa said...

G: TLP has done a excellent rendition of the game.

Katie: We'll be back next month. Perhaps then.

Mr. Fab: I find that hard to believe.

Ariel the Thief said...

Goldennib, this game you came up with is lots of fun! Congrats! I loved the list of TLP.